
Basic Info
Birth: December 8, 2002Death: July 19, 2013
Gender: Female
Nicknames: Dreamboat, Mama, Moo Moo, Pie Pie
Puppy Collar Color: Yellow


Dam: Spring - DD's Montana Fishing The Ruby UD RE TD JH NA NAJ VCD1 OD WC
Sire: Hudson - Ch. Molly's Cruzing The Hudson UDX JH
Littermates (Spring's First Litter)
Dream's First Litter - born March 23, 2008Dream's Second Litter - born September 18, 2009
Career Stats:
High in Trials: 236High Combineds: 206
OTCH Points: 3,140
Obedience Perfect 200 Scores: 32

4/8/2012. Photo by Chris Anderson.
About Dream
On December 1 and 2, 2007, Dee Dee Anderson and Dream won the AKC National Obedience Invitational in Long Beach. The Invitational is held once a year and you have to be invited to compete in it. It takes a year of showing to accumulate enough points to attend. Because Dream is a golden retriever she has to do more winning and showing than other breeds of dogs. Only the top ten percent of each breed is invited.
Dream has a true golden retriever attitude. She loves people and likes to do anything that is asked of her. She can track, hunt, run in agility and she visits rest homes too. Dream did well at the Invitational because she likes an audience. She thinks when she goes to a dog show that the people are there to watch her.
Dream is the sweetest dog. She has a wonderfully intelligent and silly personality. She is a Dream Come True!

10/17/2007. Dee Dee Anderson and Dream. Photo by Chris Anderson.
- In the GRCA Obedience Hall of Fame
- Won the 2007 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Qualified for the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Attended the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Is the only dog in the country to have her specific set of titles
- Won #2 Sporting Dog at the 2008 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won 2nd runner up at the 2011 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won #3 in the Sporting Group at the 2011 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won High in Trial and High Combined at the 2007 GRCA National Specialty
Articles About Dream
- “2010 High in Trial Listing”
Published in Front and Finish, 2010 - “The Dream” by Dee Dee Anderson
- “Dreams Do Come True!” by Dee Dee Anderson
- “Dream lives up to her name in obedience test” by Linda Goldston
Published in San Jose Mercury News - GRCA National Specialty Ad
- YouTube
- Dee Dee Anderson and Dream appear on Sac & Co
Sac & Co
Original Air Date: January 7, 2009 - Dream’s 32nd Perfect 200 by Dee Dee Anderson
- Dream 2007 AKC NOI Video to Music by Bill Anderson
- 2007 AKC National Obedience Invitational Winner Part 1 Open by Bill Anderson
- 2007 AKC National Obedience Invitational Winner Utility by Bill Anderson
- Dream’s first perfect 200 by Bill Anderson
- Dee Dee Anderson and Dream appear on Sac & Co

6/15/2007. Photo by Chris Anderson.
Career Timeline
- Earned 2 perfect 200 scores
- Earned 332 OTCH points
- Earned UDX25 and UDX26 titles
- Ranked #2 golden in High in Trials earned (31)
- Ranked #2 golden in average score in Open (198.92)
- Ranked #2 golden in average score in Utility (197.91)
- Ranked #6 golden in High Combineds earned (23)
- Ranked #7 in Toby Trigger Points earned (243)
- Ranked #10 golden in OTCH points (332)
- Ranked #14 all-breed in OTCH points earned (332)
- Ranked #14 golden in Delaney System (732)
- Ranked #15 golden in Shuman system (442)
- Won 31 High in Trials and 23 High Combineds
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 460 OTCH points
- Earned 8 perfect 200 scores
- Earned UDX21, UDX22, UDX23 and UDX24 titles
- Ranked #2 golden in average score in Open (198.91)
- Ranked #5 in Toby Trigger Points earned (305)
- Ranked #6 golden in Shuman System (595)
- Ranked #7 golden in OTCH points (460)
- Ranked #8 golden in Delaney System (1034)
- Ranked #9 golden in average score in Utility (196.85)
- Ranked #12 all-breed in OTCH points earned (460)
- Won 38 High in Trials and 28 High Combineds
- Won the GRCA OTCH Ric O’shay Barty WCX trophy, earned for excellence in competition during 2012 (for earning the most High Combined scores by a golden with a field title).
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 435 OTCH points
- Earned 7 perfect 200 scores
- Earned UDX18, UDX19 and UDX20 titles
- Ranked #3 in Toby Trigger Points earned (305)
- Ranked #6 golden in average score in Open (198.65)
- Ranked #6 golden in average score in Utility (197.59)
- Won 2nd runner up at the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won 32 High in Trials and 32 High Combineds
- Won 3rd in the sporting group at the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won the GRCA OTCH Ric O’shay Barty WCX trophy, earned for excellence in competition during 2011 (for earning the most High Combined scores by a golden with a field title).
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 5 perfect 200 scores
- Earned 558 OTCH points
- Earned OM5, OM6, OM7, OM8, OM9 and OGM titles
- Earned UDX11, UDX12, UDX13, UDX14, UDX15, UDX16 and UDX17 titles
- Finished in the top 8 at the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Ranked #1 golden, #1 sporting, #3 all breed in the Shuman (foremost) system (1017)
- Ranked #1 in the country for High in Trials earned
- Ranked #2 in the country for High Combineds earned
- Ranked #4 golden in average score in Open (198.41)
- Ranked #4 for goldens in OTCH points earned (549)
- Ranked #6 for Goldens in the Delaney system
- Ranked #9 all breed in OTCH points earned (549)
- Ranked #9 golden in average score in Utility (197.35)
- Ranked #10 by Front & Finish for the top 100 dogs in Obedience
- Received an Award of Merit from the AKC, for being among the top 10 dogs all breed to earn the Obedience Grand Master title.
- Won 56 High In Trials and 56 High Combineds
- Won the GRCA OTCH Ric O’shay Barty WCX trophy, earned for excellence in competition during 2010. For earning the most High Combined scores by a golden with a field title.
- Won the Toby Trigger Trophy through the Golden Retriever National Club (534 points)
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Had a litter of puppies and showed for only 6 months
- Earned 2 perfect 200 scores
- Earned 274 OTCH points
- Earned CCA and VCX titles through Golden Retriever National Club
- Earned OM1, OM2, OM3, and OM4 titles
- Earned UDX9 and UDX10 titles
- Finished in the top 8 at the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Ranked #4 golden in average score in Utility
- Ranked #6 golden in average score in Open
- Ranked #10 in Toby Trigger points earned
- Ranked #13 for goldens in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #22 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Won 9 High in Trials and 11 High Combineds
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 2 perfect 200 scores
- Earned 247 OTCH points
- Earned UDX7 and UDX8 titles
- Ranked #1 golden in average score in Open (198.68)
- Ranked #2 golden in average score in Utility (198.14)
- Ranked #15 golden in OTCH points earned
- Won 2nd in the Sporting group at the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won 11 High in Trials and 14 High Combineds
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 482 OTCH points
- Earned 5 perfect 200 scores
- Earned JH title
- Earned NA, NAJ and VCD1 titles
- Earned WCX title
- Earned UDX4, UDX5 and UDX6 titles
- Ranked #6 golden in average score in Open
- Ranked #6 golden in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #6 in Toby Trigger points earned
- Ranked #11 golden in average score in Utility
- Ranked #13 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Won 19 High in Trials and 19 High Combineds
- Won the 2007 AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Won the GRCA National Specialty
- Won the GRCA OTCH Ric O’shay Barty WCX trophy, earned for excellence in competition during 2007 ( for earning the most High Combined scores by a golden with a field title).
- Won the GRCA perpetual trophy at the National for the highest scoring dog shown in conformation
- Won the GRCA perpetual trophy at the National for the highest scoring member/owner
- Won the GRCA perpetual trophy at the National for the highest scoring member/owner/breeder
- Won Top Obedience Dog through the NORCAL GRC
- Earned 20 High Combineds
- Earned 22 High in Trials
- Earned 273 OTCH points
- Earned OTCH title
- Earned RE title
- Earned UDX, UDX2 and UDX3 titles
- Qualified for and attended the AKC National Obedience Invitational
- Ranked #22 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Earned 16 High in Trials
- Earned 2 High Combineds
- Earned 2 JH legs
- Earned 5 UDX legs in 6 shows
- Earned 52 OTCH points
- Earned a perfect 200 score
- Earned CD, CDX and UD titles
- Earned RN and RA titles
- Earned TDX title on first attempt
- Earned WC title on first attempt
- Earned TD title on first attempt
High in Trials
States That Dream Has Been To
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Utah