DD's Montana Fishing The Ruby UD RE TD JH NA NAJ VCD1 OD WC

Basic Info
Birth: May 31, 1998Death: December 14, 2007
Gender: Female
Nicknames: Doodle Bug, Little Monkey, Moo, Springie
Puppy Collar Color: Yellow

Dam: Sky - Wahkiakum's Montana Sky CDX JH NAJ OD WC
Sire: Midas - Ashford Midas Golden Touch CDX JH OS
Spring's First Litter - born December 7, 2002
4/1/2006. Photo by Chris Anderson.
About Spring
Springie, also affectionately called Little Monkey, Doodle Bug & Moo, will be nine years old. My first memory of my little pal was when she was just a puppy. As we would drive along together, in a green Ford Explorer, I would listen to favorite opera arias. At each red light, I would turn to look at Spring who was sitting in her crate and, yes, she was smiling at the soprano’s arias and at me! With a spring in her step she has been smiling?her fully alive, exuberant smile?ever since.
Whether it is the tender, dear smile she gives to Ria and Joby each time they pet her, the smile of contentment as we sit quietly together in the evening, the squeaky toy “good morning” smile as she runs down the hall for breakfast, the alert full-blown smile as she launches herself into Lake Tahoe to swim and retrieve a treasured bumper, or the joyous, playful smile as she trots along while heeling beside me, Spring definitely knows smiles.
But, it is the trust reflected in her beautiful brown eyes and her big Golden smile, as she looks up at me and says, “I want to be with you. What are we going to do today?” that has touched me most deeply. Spring has always been so willing, ready and more than able to try anything that I would ask of her. Perhaps our proudest accomplishment & title is the Versatile Companion Dog.
A few of our Versatile Kodak memories include:
Running a track through a field of yellow wildflowers to earn a TD in less than four minutes?seeing her happy wagging tail, from 20 feet away, when I asked, “What did you find?”
Traveling to Montana, part of Spring’s namesake, and earning a CD in three trials?celebrating by fishing and swimming on the Ruby River.
Gasping for breath while training the full-of-speed Spring to compete in agility?finally asking Dee Dee to finish her NA and NAJ titles!
Hearing a Hunt Test Judge say, after a long difficult water retrieve, “I would give that dog a 12 if I could for her marking ability!”
All of Spring’s versatility and smiling willingness has really been just “the frosting on the cake.” The real focus for me has always been the on the word, Companion, on how our companionship, something that surpasses understanding, continues to grow and deepen with each passing year.
I think an obedience judge in Bozeman, Montana described this part of our relationship the best. She said to me, after we had finished the Open exercises on a cold, rainy September morning, “She is an absolute joy to watch work and represents and exudes the very best of what a Golden Retriever should be.” We both walked out of the ring with tears in our eyes. Springie though was still smiling. And, after sits & downs the judge added, “Do you know how lucky you are to have this dog?”
The James Taylor arrangement of “How Sweet It Is?to be loved by you” is our perfect, heart full of gratitude, special song. So, Spring, my best, little, always smiling, faithful companion, “I just wanna’ stop and thank you. . .”
– Carole Steding

6/21/2004. Photo by Chris Anderson.

6/21/2004. Photo by Chris Anderson.