OTCH DD's Little Joey OBHF

Basic Info
Birth: May 3, 1987Gender: Male

Dam: Tess - OTCH CKC: OTCH Splashdown Tess Of Culynwood OBHF OD WCX
Sire: Thumper - OTCH - CKC: OTCH DD's Tagalong Thumper TD JH OBHF OS WC
Littermates (Tess's Third Litter)
Career Stats:
High in Trials: 21High Combineds: 19
OTCH Points: 586
Obedience Perfect 200 Scores: 1
- Dog World awards: 2
- Ranked in the top 25 all breed.
- Won 1st place at the 1989 Gaines Western Regional, Novice Division.
- Won 8th place at the 1989 Gaines Classic, Novice Division.
- Won 3rd place at the 1991 Gaines Western Regional, Super Dog Division.