OTCH CKC: OTCH Splashdown Tess Of Culynwood OBHF OD WCX

Basic Info
Birth: February 10, 1981Death: November 8, 1988
Gender: Female

Dam: Spirit - Splashdown Culynwood Spirit
Sire: Cotton - AFC FC NAFC Topbrass Cotton FDHF OS
Tess's First Litter - born August 25, 1984Tess's Second Litter - born April 5, 1986
Tess's Third Litter - born May 3, 1987
Career Stats:
High in Trials: 23High Combineds: 12
OTCH Points: 942
Obedience Perfect 200 Scores: 2

1985. Tess wins the Gaines Super Dog competition.
About Tess
Tess was one smart dog, and she and Dee Dee achieved a lot together. She was an excellent obedience and field dog. She ran on Derby and finished it. In obedience Tess earned four Dog World Awards. In 1985 Tess was ranked as the Number One Golden Retriever and Number Two All Breed in the obedience ring (ranked by OTCH points). She won the GRCA Toby-Trigger Trophy and was dubbed the most obedient dog in the world by David Letterman. Tess was the Gaines Classic Super Dog Winner for the most obedient dog. Tess and Dee Dee were the youngest team to ever win the competition. They appeared on the David Letterman show and other TV shows. In 1988 Tess ranked again in the top 25 All Breed obedience dogs and top 25 lifetime by OTCH points.
- Canadian High in Trials: 7
- Dog World Awards: 5
- In the Golden Retriever Club of America Obedience Hall of Fame
- In the Golden Retriever Club of Canada Obedience Hall of Fame
- Won 1985 Gaines Classic, Super Dog Division
Articles About Tess
- “Best behaved dog trains in Redwood City” by Pat Butorac
Published in The Times - ‘Dee Dee and “Tess”‘
Published in Golden Notes on April 1, 1986 - “Goldens Steal The Show” by Jan Teichman and Judy Myers
Published in The Golden Retriever News, March-April 1986 - “Goodbye Tess” by Judy Myers
- “Profile….200” by Andrea Vaughan
Published in Front and Finish, August 1996
TV Appearances
- Dee Dee Anderson and Tess guest starred on Late Night with David Letterman
Show #0645, Late Night With David Letterman, Season 4, Episode 138
Original Air Date: December 18, 1985
Career Timeline
- Ranked #25 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #10 golden retriever in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #10 in Toby Trigger points earned
- Ranked #21 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #22 all breed in lifetime OTCH points earned
- Had a litter of puppies
- Had a litter of puppies
- Appeared on Late Night with David Letterman
- Earned 2 perfect 200 scores
- Earned 19 High in Trials
- Earned 21 High Combineds
- Earned Canadian OTCH
- Earned Canadian UD
- Earned OTCH
- Ranked #1 golden retriever in obedience in the country
- Ranked #1 golden retriever in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #1 golden retriever in placements earned in Utility B
- Ranked #1 golden retriever – Delaney System
- Ranked #1 golden retriever – Shuman System
- Ranked #1 in Toby Trigger points earned
- Ranked #1 Sporting Group – Delaney System
- Ranked #1 Sporting Group – Shuman System
- Ranked #3 all breed – Delaney system
- Ranked #2 all breed in OTCH points earned
- Ranked #3 all breed – Shuman System
- Ranked #3 golden retriever in placements earned in Open B
- Won the Gaines Classic, Super Dog Division
- First West Coast team to win the Gaines Classic, Super Dog Division
- Youngest team to win the Gaines Classic, Super Dog Division
- Earned Canadian CDX with one High in Trial
- Had a litter of puppies
- Earned Canadian CD with four out of four High in Trials
- At age two, she was the youngest golden retriever to earn a UD or WCX
- Earned CD, CDX
- Earned WC, WCX
- Earned UD
- Earned 2 Dog World Awards