OTCH DD's Poppin Corie JH WC

Basic Info
Birth: May 3, 1987Gender: Female
Nicknames: Corie Monster
Puppy Collar Color: Green

Dam: Tess - OTCH CKC: OTCH Splashdown Tess Of Culynwood OBHF OD WCX
Sire: Thumper - OTCH - CKC: OTCH DD's Tagalong Thumper TD JH OBHF OS WC
Littermates (Tess's Third Litter)
Career Stats:
High Combineds: 4
OTCH Points: 112
About Cory
Motto: “Where’s the toy, I know I can find it and you can tell me later what you wanted me to do!”
I am very lucky to have had a dog out of the breeding of Tess and Thumper. I admired both dogs and was thrilled to have a puppy out of their second litter. Corie was my first DD dog and I bonded with Corie the minute I picked her up from Dee Dee’s. Corie and I had 15 great years together. She had an incredible drive for retrieving and was always ready to play with as many toys as she could get in her mouth at once.
The road to Corie’s OTCH was truly a joint effort (the easy way out for me). Dee Dee, Billy and I all handled Corie to her OTCH. I promised her bumpers every day if she could get those last points, and she pulled it off in style with Dee Dee handling her to a first place in Utility B, high combined and 20 OTCH points at Contra Costa Kennel Club on 10/03/1992 (she needed 8 points to finish).
There will always be a soft spot in my heart for Corie whose spirit lasted until the end.
– Dimity Mueller
Articles About Cory
- Southern California News by Selma Ashley