DD's Tanbark Ace In The Hole UD

Basic Info
Birth: April 5, 1986Gender: Male
Puppy Collar Color: Orange

Dam: Tess - OTCH CKC: OTCH Splashdown Tess Of Culynwood OBHF OD WCX
Sire: Thumper - OTCH - CKC: OTCH DD's Tagalong Thumper TD JH OBHF OS WC
Littermates (Tess's Second Litter)
Career Stats:
High in Trials: 3OTCH Points: 7
- Dog World Awards: 1
- Won 6th place at the 1990 Gaines Central Regional, Open Division
- Won 7th place at the 1989 Gaines Central Regional, Novice Division