OTCH Mt Meadow This Just In UDX2, SH, WCX, CCA

Terra came to live with me in May 2003 when she was 8 months old. Kathy Moore had kept 2 puppies from her recent litter and wanted to place one. She knew I was very involved in obedience and that I had just lost my dog to complications of Lyme’s Disease at 5 ½ years old. Kathy decided to place Terra with me and invited me to share her lessons with Dee Dee.
Soon with Dee Dee’s help Terra and I were in the obedience ring and earned CD, CDX and UD titles with excellent scores and some High in Trials. I decided we would continue for the UDX title which we also quickly earned. By the time we had the UDX title, Terra had acquired 50 OTCH points. I remember my daughter saying how exciting it would be if I ever earned ONE OTCH point and now I had 50! Of course, having earned 50 points I couldn’t stop there. In February 2008 we earned our 100th point and retired from obedience to focus on the field.
What a great dog and thank you Dee Dee for all of your help.
– Sue Stauffer