DD's Admiral Peary UDX

Basic Info
Birth: January 9, 1990Gender: Male
Puppy Collar Color: White

Dam: Kellie - OTCH DD's Calaveras Sparklin' Gold UDX7 OBHF OD WC
Sire: Luke - AFC WR Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UD TD MH FDHF OS
Littermates (Kellie's First Litter)
Career Stats:
OTCH Points: 1

About Peary
We could not have wished for a more wonderful dog than Peary. He was a funny, cuddly, adorable little guy who won our hearts every day. His obedience career was extraordinary. At Peary’s first trial, he won a High-In-Trial. Among his other accomplishments, he placed 10th at Gaines in Novice and earned a Dog World Award. He worked all the way to a UDX with a number of 1st Places and a high score of 199.5. He loved the obedience training, did it exceptionally well, and always looked forward to the practices enthusiastically. He was a super traveler and he loved to explore wherever he was–as befits his name. He was a healthy happy dog and always such a joy to have around.
- Dog World Awards: 1
- Won 10th place at the 1993 Gaines Cycle Western Regional, Novice Division.