OTCH DD's Frolicing Halo of Gold UDX OBHF

Basic Info
Birth: January 9, 1990Death: December 13, 1994
Gender: Female
Puppy Collar Color: Gold

Dam: Kellie - OTCH DD's Calaveras Sparklin' Gold UDX7 OBHF OD WC
Sire: Luke - AFC WR Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UD TD MH FDHF OS
Littermates (Kellie's First Litter)
Career Stats:
High in Trials: 14High Combineds: 10
OTCH Points: 219
Obedience Perfect 200 Scores: 3

Frolic earns her OTCH. Photo by Cook.
- Dog World Awards: 3
- Won 6th place the 1992 Gaines Cycle Western Regional, Novice Division

11/1992. Frolic wins High in Trial. Photo by Warren Cook.
Articles About Frolic
- “Southern California News” by Selma Ashley
Published in Front and Finish, June 1992