Buxom earns her OTCH.
by Anita Aborn
Ch OTCH Larentia di Villa Roma UDX OM3 TDX RN
Buxom is officially known as Ch OTCH Larentia di Villa Roma UDX OM3 TDX RN. She is a brilliant and beautiful girl who challenged me to grow in my training skills; she learned nuances that I didn’t even contemplate a dog could master. Once I understood that she had learned my patterns I was then able to break those patterns to get the job done. It didn’t help that my time to train or show was severely limited-I always said Bux is the right dog at the wrong time. Nevertheless, despite my hampering her success, she earned all the necessary points for her OTCH in Northern California and Bux has been invited to two NOI’s. I am so grateful to Dee Dee for being patient with me and understanding the intricacies of dogs, all dogs. Tervuren think a lot and Dee Dee helps me stay one neuron synapse ahead. As my nieces say, “Buxie, Buxie, we love Buxie!”