Most people desiring a Breed Championship title on their dog will use a handler.
You can do the same to earn performance titles on your dog!
There are many reasons to consider using a trainer/handler:
- You like training, but want someone else to do the showing
- You want to show and compete yourself, but time is tight, so you need someone to do the training
- You want titles on your dog but do not have time to train or show

8/4/2011. Bill Anderson training Annie. Photo by Chris Anderson.
Whatever your reason for wanting to use a trainer/handler, whether you are a beginner or expert, consider Billy Anderson. He provides Obedience, Rally, Agility, and Tracking training and titling on all breeds of dogs:
Billy Anderson has been training and handling dogs in competition sports for over 25 years. For the first 20 years he did so as a hobby, earning many titles for other individuals including 2 OTCH’s. In 2004 Billy started training and handling and giving private lessons full-time. Since then he has earned for his clients over 75 titles on 22 dogs, representing 5 different breeds. His gentle and caring approach to training allows him to quickly and easily form a strong bond with each dog he trains. That strong bond coupled with his professionalism in the ring results in teamwork that is a pleasure to see.
Billy will completely train and title your dog for you, or if you simply need to earn that last leg toward a title, he can do that too.
Benefits to you and your dog:
- Handler with experience and strong track record
- Professional image for your kennel/breed
- Earn titles in shortest amount of time possible
- Performance titles will benefit your kennel (breeding program)
- You and your dog will be happy with his gentle caring approach
- Safe and clean boarding and training facilities
For additional information, contact Billy Anderson at:
References available upon request.
Here are just a few of the clients and their dogs Billy has worked with…
Aubridge Into Wishin TD
Golden Retriever
Crocker’s owner, Robin E. Baker (Aubridge Goldens), kept two puppies from the same litter and decided to send Crocker off to get away from his sister for awhile. Crocker came to what we call “tracking camp” at 3 months of age. Tracking is something that is very easy to teach young puppies and it gives them something to do while they grow up a little. Crocker was a tracking star! With only 3 months of training he earned his TD at just 6 months of age with Billy training and handling him.The photo is of Crocker and Billy the day they earned the TD title.

4/5/2009. Crocker and Bill Anderson earn a TD. Photo by Dee Dee Anderson.
Robin E. Baker wrote: In my most recent litter, I could not decide which puppy to keep – so I ended up keeping the pick boy and the pick girl. Knowing that littermates need to spend time apart from each other, and that the two of them were already great playmates and becoming inseparable, I contacted Billy about doing some puppy training for me.I was very pleased that not only did Billy raise the young boy Crocker into an easy going gentleman, but he easily put the first AKC title on him! And, it also happens to be the first TD on an Aubridge golden that I have kept for myself! While Crocker is back home growing into adulthood, he continues to take great pride in finding things! We hope to find more titles to put on him in the future!
Thanks Billy!!
CH Highland Satin Ribbon UD, RE, MX, MXJ, MXF, CGC
Border Collie
Crissy was what we call a drop off dog. Crissy’s owner, Diane Keitz, would drop her off once a week for training. Crissy would come in the morning and go home after her owner got off work. Diane trained her in Agility and earned her agility titles, and she had us train and show Crissy in Obedience. Crissy earned her CD with Dee Dee training and handling her. Billy trained her in Open, Utility and Rally, and handled Crissy to her CDX, UD, RN, RA, and RE titles.
The photo is of Crissy and Billy the day they earned the UD title.

Crissy and Billy the day they earned the UD title. Photo by Steve Southard.
Diane Keitz wrote: Billy and Dee Dee Anderson have been training and showing my dogs in Obedience for 15 years. Eight years ago Billy began training my 1st Border Collie “Crissy” who, as many people know, was quite a challenge (in a good way). Billy earned her CDX and UD titles. Then a few years ago he began training my 2nd Border Collie “Megan” who is presently going for her UD. Billy also trains my two very young Shelties “Allie” and “CJ” who now have their RN titles (thanks Billy!). I work every day, so having a trainer that I can trust and that accomplishes so much with my precious animals is a dream come true. With the limited time Billy has with them it is the quality time he gives them and his expertise that makes them so successful in the show ring as well as to live with. I do Agility which has been so rewarding due to the foundation they have learned from Billy. To this day I have never done obedience, not even for practice, Billy has done it all!
Am/Can Ch Isengard’s Just In Time CD, RE, HXAs, HSAcd, MX, MXJ, TT, ATDs, OTDd, WDX-C, WD-H
Belgian Sheepdog
Justin is a good example of how Billy can team up with an owner to earn legs and finish titles. Billy first took Justin in on a two week evaluation. Being an older dog we were not sure how long it would take to earn Justin’s trust. We soon realized that Justin liked working with Billy a lot.
Justin’s owner, Lorra Miller (Isengard Belgian Sheepdogs), had earned his first CD leg. Billy earned the second CD leg, and Lorra finished the CD at their National Specialty. Billy handled Justin to his RN and two legs on his RA. Lorra finished the RA at their National. Billy earned all three legs on his RE.
Justin was working on his MX & MXJ Agility titles. At that level there is very little room for mistakes, a dog must trust and listen to the person who is handling him. With Billy handling him, Justin earned his last three MX legs to complete his MX title and his eighth and ninth MXJ legs. Lorra finished his MXJ title.

Justin. Photo by Creative Indulgence.
CH SR Casadeloro Nose It All UDX, RE, AX, AXJ, JH, VCX, WC, CGC
Golden Retriever
Sniffer, a Champion Golden Retriever, is another example of Billy teaming up with an owner to train and title a dog. Sniffer’s owner, Marv Bush, trained and handled him to a CD title. Marv and Billy teamed up with private lessons and drop offs for Open and Utility training. Marv earned Sniffer’s CDX and UD titles. Billy went on to do more Obedience training with Sniffer and earned the 10 required combined Utility and Open legs to earn the coveted UDX title. Billy also trained Sniffer in Rally and earned his RN, RA, and RE titles.
After completing his UDX and Rally titles Billy trained Sniffer in Agility and went on to earn the following Agility titles on Sniffer: NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, AX, and AXJ.

Sniffer and Bill Anderson earn a UDX and RN. Photo by Steve Southard.
Marv Bush wrote: I have really enjoyed working with Billy and through his work he has enabled Sniffer to be recognized as one of the higher titled Goldens. Sniffer was the 18th breed Champion to earn a UDX and only 4th Breed Champion to earn a UDX-AX-AXJ. As a result of our busy schedules, we could not have achieved this without the care, devotion and accomplishments Billy provided to Sniffer. I am very happy to recommend Billy to any dog owner. He’s truly a real life dog whisperer that can work miracles with dogs as well training humans to train their dogs.
CH Madeiras Beacon Hill X-Country CDX, RE, WWD, CGC, TTI, TDI
Portuguese Water Dog
Chip is a good example of a dog being trained by his owner in parallel with Billy training him, then the two of them teaming up to earn titles. Chip was a once a week drop off dog, along with his owner, Peggy Perkins, taking private lessons. Peggy did not want to show him, but she wanted to train him. Billy handled Chip to his CD with a High In Trial and earned two legs on his CDX with a High In Trial. We talked Peggy into showing Chip for his third leg on his CDX, and she did! Billy went on to earn Chip’s RN, RA, and RE titles. Billy also helped train Chip toward his water titles.

12/19/2006. Chip and Ana. Photo by Chris Anderson.
Peggy Perkins wrote: I have trained 4 Portuguese Water Dogs with Dee Dee and Billy Anderson starting in 1994. All dogs earned advanced obedience titles. I have trained using private lessons, drop off training, and boarding and training combined. All have been extremely helpful in building confidence in my abilities. I worked with Billy exclusively with Bela and Chip. Both dogs earned High In Trial awards. Billy’s method of foundation training helps the dog to truly understand each exercise and builds confidence in the dogs ability to think. Billy was also extremely instrumental in training Bela and Chip to earn advanced water titles.
Allie and CJ
Icon Wish Upon a Star RN, MX, MXJ, XF, CGC “Allie”, and Icon Hot Topic RN, CGC “CJ”
Shetland Sheepdog
Allie, a female Sheltie, and CJ, a male Sheltie both share the same owner, Diane Keitz. Diane trains and handles both dogs in Agility. Billy only sees and trains these dogs once every two weeks. He has so far trained and handled both dogs to their RN titles.

CJ & Allie.
Diane Keitz wrote: Billy and Dee Dee Anderson have been training and showing my dogs in Obedience for 15 years. Eight years ago Billy began training my 1st Border Collie “Crissy” who, as many people know, was quite a challenge (in a good way). Billy earned her CDX and UD titles. Then a few years ago he began training my 2nd Border Collie “Megan” who is presently going for her UD. Billy also trains my two very young Shelties “Allie” and “CJ” who now have their RN titles (thanks Billy!). I work every day, so having a trainer that I can trust and that accomplishes so much with my precious animals is a dream come true. With the limited time Billy has with them it is the quality time he gives them and his expertise that makes them so successful in the show ring as well as to live with. To this day I have never done obedience, not even for practice, Billy has done it all!
Mt. Meadow Just You Wait UD, RE, TDX, JH
Golden Retriever

Bill Anderson and Higgins.
Higgins, a Golden Retriever, is a good example of a dog being trained by his owner and Billy supplementing that training and showing. Higgins’ owner took private lessons from Billy and trained Higgins in Novice, Open, and Utility. Every few weeks Higgins was dropped off for some training with Billy. Billy went on to show Higgins and earn a CD, CDX, and UD. While getting him ready for those titles Billy trained Higgins in Rally and went on to earn his RN, RA, and RE titles.
Kathy Moore wrote: Higgins and I started taking obedience lessons; however, after a knee replacement it became apparent that I would not be able to put obedience titles on Higgins. So Higgins went to Billy on a drop-in basis for training. Sometimes I would leave him for part of the day; other times, I would leave him for several days. During my recuperation, Billy and Higgins earned a CD with very good scores. So I was encouraged to continue with obedience although I was unable to practice heeling with Higgins but able to practice the other exercises. Billy would give Higgins and I lessons, as well as work with Higgins himself. Higgins spent more time with Billy prior to a trial date. In the CDX exercises, Higgins appeared to have no problem practicing with both of us and once again titled with very nice scores.When we continued on with UD exercises, I had had a second surgery and a slow recovery. I continued to take lessons and would also drop off Higgins for additional work. I was able to practice the UD exercises at home, and Higgins and Billy picked up rally titles while working on the UD. Billy’s calm and consistent style worked well for Mr. Higgy. He is rather laid back, and Billy had the ability to get him “up” for training and for the ring. They definitely formed a bond, and Higgins worked hard to please Billy. They became a team. It takes teamwork to earn that UD title!