Technical FAQ

Q: Will the MP4 downloads play on my device?

A: We chose the MP4 format because it is an international standard. Most modern web browsers and video software will play them. That said, some mobile devices such as phones and tablets (including iPads) will not allow you to download files. To get around this, download the file on a desktop or laptop.

Q: Are the videos closed captioned?

A: It can take longer to closed caption a video than to make produce the video itself, so we have only been closed captioning a limited number of our videos. When one of our products has closed captioning available, you will see [CC] in the its title.

Puppy Series FAQ

Q: My dog is 6 months old and has some basic training,  but looks everywhere else except at me while heeling. Would these DVDs help me?

A: It doesn’t matter what age your dog is. This DVD series will help you see the training plan and progression for a variety of skills. Everyone who has trained a dog, especially for competition, has experienced a need to “re-train” or “tune-up” a skill. This DVD series will give you a number of exercises to use with your dog, no matter its age.

Q: Do these DVDs just show a trained dog that has already gone through an extensive process?

A: Absolutely not! I started the DVD series with an 8-week-old puppy–literally from the first day of training–and continued to film all of her training sessions. I did this specifically to show you what works and what do to when a puppy doesn’t understand an exercise, loses concentration, or gets distracted. I also included other dogs so you can see how different dogs react to their environment, to other dogs, to distractions, and to training cues. These are common training challenges and I wanted to show all of them–and how I deal with them–to the viewer.

Q: Do these DVDs show corrections?

A:  Yes–but “corrections” in the sense of how to gently guide your dog into the behavior you want. If a dog needs a correction, I show you how to communicate a desired “change of behavior” to your dog–and why that might be important down the road.

Q: Do you train with food and/or toys?

A: Yes, I show you how to use food/treats, toys, play time and mostly–love–to train your dog. More importantly, I show you how to use these tools as rewards and not lures or bribes. In the end, you want your dog to work for you because she WANTS to–not because you have a cookie in your hand.